Media release

Aged care policy - Labor has been listening

Labor's Aged Care Plan, announced today, shows that the Opposition has been listening to the concerns of the industry and the community, AMA Aged Care Spokesman, Dr Gerald Segal, said today.

Dr Segal said much of the Plan reflects policy recommendations put forward by the AMA.

The AMA welcomes particularly:

Extension of Community Aged Care Packages

Three-tiered system for HACC

Interest Free Capital Loans to get new beds built

Capital Grants for respite care

Moving young MS and ABI sufferers out of aged care facilities to more appropriate accommodation

Transitional care funding

National Benchmark for standards of care

Separation of accreditation and compliance

Cutting red tape

Nursing workforce reform.

Dr Segal said the Labor policy, like early Coalition policies, provides hope of improvements in the sector in the short term.

"The AMA urges both parties to address long term needs in bipartisan manner.

"If elected and in a position to implement this Plan, Labor should use it as a stepping stone to broader structural reforms for the long term to allow the community to cope with an ageing population of increasing numbers," Dr Segal said.

"While the integrated care initiatives will allow better interaction between aged care and hospital resources, much more must be done to encourage greater participation by GPs in the aged care sector. Unfortunately there are no incentives to stop the exodus of GPs visiting aged care facilities, and the AMA will be raising this issue with the major parties in coming weeks.

"The AMA is hopeful that both Chris Evans and Browyn Bishop will raise this issue with Jenny Macklin and Michael Wooldridge respectively before the major parties release their detailed costed health policies," Dr Segal said.

Dr Segal said he hopes the state of the Budget, when revealed next week, allows both parties to make the sort of financial commitment necessary to get aged care on to a solid footing to meet the ever-increasing needs of the sector and the community.

CONTACT: Dr Gerald Segal 0418 559 086

John Flannery 0419 494 761

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