
Admissions to the AMA Roll of Fellows

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, today announced eight new admissions to the AMA Roll of Fellows.

The new AMA Fellows were admitted to the Roll during the opening ceremony of the AMA National Conference in Hobart. They are:


An orthopaedic surgeon and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide, Dr Robert Atkinson has been an AMA member for nearly 37 years.

He's made a significant contribution to the AMA over a number of years and on a number of fronts.

Chief of these has been his exemplary commitment to improving road safety, and the treatment of trauma and injuries sustained in the workplace.

Dr Atkinson is an effective advocate for many causes impacting upon the profession, with a particular interest in the ethical practice of medicine.


Dr Bauert has been actively involved with the AMA for 20 years, both locally and at a national level.

During that period she has taken on leadership roles including several terms as the Territory's Vice President and Secretary, as well as representation on national committees.

Dr Bauert's work has benefited a large number of doctors, most particularly those working in rural and remote areas across the Northern Territory.

She was instrumental in establishing effective Aboriginal Interpreter Services in the Northern Territory Hospitals.


Since joining the AMA in 1990, Dr Duncan has earned a deserved reputation as a fearless fighter for the advancement of women in medicine.

An Obstetrician and gynaecologist in private practice, she's been on the Victorian Medical Women's Society and the AMA Women and Medicine Committee, and is past President of the Australian Federation of Medical Women.

Dr Duncan is currently convening the Western Pacific Regional Meeting of the Medical Women's International Association.

As well as serving AMA Victoria as Vice President, Board Member, and Councillor, she has sat on the AMA's federal medical indemnity committee and the Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Victoria.


Dr Elizabeth Feeney is an anaesthetist who joined the AMA after her graduation from the University of NSW in 1979.

Dr Feeney became a Councillor of AMA (NSW) in 2003 and has held a range of executive positions from 2004.

She's involved at all levels, from mentoring young doctors to negotiating with the ACCC and federal politicians, including Health Minister Nicola Roxon.

In addition to her commitments to the AMA, Dr Feeney conducts a busy private practice, holding VMO appointments at St Luke's Hospital, the Mater at North Sydney, North Shore Private and The Eye Institute Chatswood.


Over many years, Professor Raymond Lowenthal has given outstanding service to cancer research, the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Medical Association and the Federal AMA.

Professor Lowenthal's a clinician, educator, researcher and contributor to professional organisations at state and national levels.

He's served as the President of AMA Tasmania, sat on the Federal AMA council, and been Chairman of the Federal Science and Public Policy Committee.

He's also served on AMA committees including Ethics, Public Health, Women and Medicine, Competition Policy, Complementary Medicines, and Medico-Legal.


A general surgical registrar, Dr Christopher James Merry started serving his fellow doctors as the AMSA President in 1995, and has been an active member of the AMA since 1997.

Over the last eleven years, he's served as Vice President of AMA Victoria; representing the AMA to Melbourne University, the Doctors Health Advisory Service, and the Specialist Recognition Advisory Committee.

He's also served the AMA federally in a number of capacities - as chair of the Council of Doctors in Training and the Youth Health Committee, and as a member of medico-legal, ethics, public health, and the female medical workforce committees.

Throughout, Dr Merry has been a strong advocate for the needs of doctors in training, and has maintained an active interest in broader workforce reform.


Dr Brian Morton has always taken a very active role in the AMA.

He was first elected to the AMA NSW Council in 1999 and is the current Vice President. He has been an AMA member since 1974.

Dr Morton has served on many committees for both AMA NSW and Federal AMA.

He's also represented the AMA on the Standards for General Practices Committee, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Medicare Benefits Consultative Committee.

In addition to his work at both state and federal levels of the AMA, Dr Morton is the principal of Willoughby Medical Practice, overseeing five general practitioners.


Dr Martin Nothling became a member of the AMA immediately after he graduated from the University of Queensland in 1968.

A psychiatrist active in both the public and private arenas, Dr Nothling has contributed extensively to medico-politics and education over the past 20 years.

He's been active in the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatry, served on the Queensland WorkCover Tribunal, and lectured around the world on medico-legal issues.

At the AMA, Dr Nothling has been a federal councillor for six years, representing psychiatry, and has served on AMA committees including Public Health, Ethics, Medico-Legal, Medical Indemnity, Therapeutics and Economics & Workforce.

CONTACT: Kylie Walker 0405 229 152

Kylie Butler 0417 652 488

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