
Admissions To the AMA Roll of Fellows

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today announced eight new admissions to the AMA Roll of Fellows.

The new AMA Fellows were admitted to the Roll during the opening ceremony of the AMA National Conference in Adelaide. They are:


Dr Paul Woodhouse has been a member of AMA Victoria since 1993, and joined the organisation in 1995 as Director of Policy.

Dr Woodhouse has served as a representative of the AMA in a number of advisory roles, including to the Department of Human Services Medical Workforce & Training Committeeand the Rural Workforce Agency's Rural Assessment Program, on which he recently sat as Chair.

He has worked well beyond the obligations of his position as an employee, to promote the health and well-being of doctors.

Dr Paul Woodhouse has made an outstanding contribution to the Australian Medical Association both in Victoria and nationally and is a most worthy candidate for admittance to the Roll of Fellows.


Associate Professor Gullotta was elected President of the AMA NSW in 2004 - his eighth year on the council - and after serving for two years as Vice President.

He has served the profession, his specialty of general practice and the community in roles and appointments that are too numerous to mention.

In 2005 Associate Professor Gullotta was elected a member of the AMA Federal Council and AMA Council of General Practice. He is also the current Chair of the Federal AMA's Therapeutics Committee.

Associate Professor John Gullotta has been an outstanding President in NSW and an excellent representative of the medical profession, and I am pleased to admit him today to the AMA Roll of Fellows.


Dr Bill Heddle has been an AMA member for over 31 years—serving as State President from 2003to 2005, State Vice President from 2002to 2003 and currently as the Honorary Medical Secretary (South Australia).

He's also on the Federal AMA's Craft Group of Physicians, the Chair of the AMA South Australia's Road Safety Committee.

Dr Bill Heddle's tireless work for the state and federal AMAs more than merits his admission to the roll of fellows.


First joining the AMA in 1988, Dr David Molloy has developed a significant profile within the organisation's ranks over his 18 years as a member.

He served as President of AMA Queensland from February 2004 to June 2005, during which time he secured increased public hospital funding and greater public health system accountabilityin Queensland.

As Chair of the AMA Queensland Medical Indemnity Taskforce and later as AMA Queensland President, Dr Molloy helped to re-shape the medical landscape in Queensland from one of serious instability to one that now protects the basic tenets of quality, accessibility, and sustainability in medical care.

For his service to the AMA, as well as to the broader medical profession, Dr David Molloy is highly deserving of admission to the Roll of Fellows.


Dr Michael Steiner is currently Honorary Treasurer of AMA NSW, and a Federal Councillor representing ophthalmologists.

A member of the AMA since he graduated in medicine from Sydney University in 1970, Dr Steiner was elected to the AMA NSW Council in 2001 and became Treasurer in 2004, as well as sitting on the Hospital Practice Committee.

As a Federal Councillor, Dr Steiner sits on a number of committees including the Taskforce on Medical Professional Indemnity, the Ethics and Medico-legal Committee and the TherapeuticsCommittee.

Dr Steiner also is a Director of AMA Commercial.

The AMA is honoured to admit Dr Michael Steiner to the Roll of Fellows.


Dr Paul Skerritt joined the AMA in South Australia immediately upon graduation from the University of Adelaide in 1966.

He was elected AMA WA Psychiatry Craft Group Representative in 1988, and has served on the AMA WA Medico Legal and Finance and Audit Committees.

In 2000, Dr Skerritt was elected to AMA WA Council, becoming Vice President in 2001and President in 2004.

Since 2004, Dr Skerritt has served as a member of the AMA Federal Council, the Federal Ethics and Medico Legal Committee and the Constitution and Policy Review Committee.

He has shown a strong commitment to promoting the Association at Federal and State level - outstanding service which well merits his admission to the Roll of Fellows.


Dr Sam Lees joined the AMA in 1968, the year after he graduated from Monash University.

A rural and regional GP, Dr Lees is passionate about providing strong and informed representation for all medical practitioners in Victoria.

He's actively involved in general practitioner registrar education and is a member of the Victorian Advisory Committee on General Practice, the Australian Rural and Remote Workforce Agency Group and the Rural Doctors Association of Victoria.

He has been a member of the AMA Victoria Board and Council since 1995, and was a Vice-President of AMA Victoria for the eight years until his election as President in 2003 and 2004.

An active and dedicated member of AMA Federal Council over many years, Dr Lees has made an outstanding contribution to the Australian Medical Association both in Victoria and nationally, and is a most worthy candidate for admission to the Roll of Fellows.


Professor John Pearn's contributions to medicine during the past 30 years have earned him worldwide recognition.

He is the author of some 500 papers and 60 book chapters, books, and textbooks relating to military and clinical medicine, and to medical history.

As a Major General, Professor Pearn has enjoyed a second career in the Army Reserve and was the Surgeon General to the Australian Defence Force from 1998 - 2000.

Professor Pearn joined the AMA as a Student Member in 1962, and has served as consultant to the AMA Queensland's Ethics and Historical Research Committees and Head of its Fluoridation Taskforce, and is chief consultant to the Foundation and the Military Medical Advisory Group.

Professor John Pearn is highly deserving of admission to the Roll of Fellows of the Australian Medical Association.

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