
Address future aged care needs now - AMA

"The tangled web of services that plague the delivery of aged care services in Australia must be untangled if Australia is to meet the care needs of older Australians in 40 years time," Chair of the AMA's Committee on Care of Older People, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today.

Appearing before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Ageing, Dr Haikerwal said incentives are needed to attract and keep health professionals in the aged care sector.

"All of us who care for older Australians - GPs, geriatricians, nurses, other health professionals and carers committed to best health outcomes for seniors - face serious barriers and disincentives," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Red tape robs health professionals of time with their patients. The many care needs of older people are complicated. It takes time, vigilance and patient contact to maintain a holistic approach to their wellbeing.

"Social isolation is a reality for many older people.

"Integration of services and good communication are essential in aged care. One episode of care might involve several distinct services. It's essential that overall care is coordinated.

"Political, professional and institutional differences must be overcome if we are to provide seamless, flexible care.

"Very often, residential facilities don't have adequate facilities for examination and treatment. Plug-in computer access to patient records will improve overall care.

"Doctors face inequitable fee structures which make working in aged care unattractive. Nurses and other staff are undervalued and are paid less than their colleagues who work in hospitals.

"The Medicare Benefits Schedule needs to reflect the complexity of providing comprehensive medical assessments of aged care residents' health care needs.

"While the current political debate focuses on access to essential medical care, it's important to remember the very specific needs of our valuable older citizens who are among the community's sickest and frailest."

CONTACT: Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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