Media release

ACA's unfair and unwarranted attack on 'foreign doctors'

The reputation and skills of all international medical graduates (IMGs) working in Australia were last night unfairly questioned in a report on A Current Affair, which concerned one hospital and the activities of a couple of so-called ‘foreign doctors’.

AMA Vice President, Professor Geoffrey Dobb, said today that the story was sensationalism at its worst and an unfair and unwarranted attack on the thousands of highly skilled IMGs currently working in our health system.

Prof Dobb said that the AMA shared the concerns of the patients featured in the story and agreed that poor and unprofessional practice should be thoroughly investigated, but the overriding inference of the ACA report was that all IMGs are bad.

“There are systems in place to ensure that bad medical practice and poor medical outcomes involving all doctors are thoroughly investigated and followed up,” Prof Dobb said.

“It is wrong to demonise all IMGs because of the alleged indiscretions of a small number.

“Without the contribution of IMGs to our health system, especially in public hospitals and in country areas, many Australians would find it a lot more difficult to access medical care,” Prof Dobb said.

“Over a third of doctors working in Australia are overseas trained.  In rural and remote areas, more than 41 per cent are overseas trained.

“Last night’s report was more a reflection on past Queensland Health recruitment practices than the standards of IMGs working across Australia.

“The sad experiences of the patients should not have been used to suggest that IMGs working across the country are unsafe.

“Stories like this unnecessarily undermine the confidence the community has in doctors who are an essential part of the health system.

“Australia has now adopted standardised and more rigorous assessment processes for IMGs and the community should have every confidence in them.

“As a community, we need to provide more support to all IMGs practising in our health system and recognise and appreciate the excellent work that they do,” Prof Dobb said.



6 July 2011



CONTACT:         John Flannery                    02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                       Geraldine Kurukchi              02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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