Media release

2011 AMA President's Award

AMA National Conference 2011

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, today presented the AMA President’s Award to former AMA Assistant Secretary General, Ms Perry Sperling, in recognition of her outstanding contribution towards the development of AMA policy.

Dr Pesce said that during her time with the AMA, Ms Sperling led a highly respected and effective policy section.

“Perry came to the AMA with a high-level policy background,” Dr Pesce said.

“As a policy adviser to former Primer Minister John Howard, Perry was involved in macro health policy issues, both at a financing and program development level.

“Health insurance, Medicare safety nets, public hospital agreements and reforms to the PBS were but some of the areas in which she had significant involvement.

“Perry was quickly recognised by the AMA’s Federal Council and others in the committee work of the AMA as a person of exceptional skill and a wonderful capacity to give quick, accurate advice.

“On many occasions, the counsel provided by Perry helped shape our successful approach to what were otherwise very thorny issues.

“It is not only the AMA who recognises Perry’s abilities.

“She is now senior policy adviser to the Victorian Premier, Ted Ballieu.

“Even though Perry’s time with us has been relatively short, her contributions will live long into the future,” Dr Pesce said. 


28 May 2011


CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                       Geraldine Kurukchi                 02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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