Media release

2011 AMA Excellence in Health Care Award

AMA National Conference 2011

An Aboriginal doctor who has been instrumental in the development of Indigenous health workforce policy has won the AMA Excellence in Health Care Award for 2011.

Dr Mark Wenitong, Associate Professor Adjunct, was presented with the award by AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, at the AMA’s annual conference in Brisbane today.

The Excellence in Health Care Award is made to an individual who has made a significant contribution to improving health or health care in Australia.

“Dr Wenitong has shown an ongoing commitment to quality health and medical care in Indigenous communities as an adviser on Indigenous health workforce policy and medical education,” Dr Pesce said.

“As past president and one of the founders of the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, Dr Wenitong was instrumental in providing advice on the Committee of Deans of Australian Medical Schools Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander undergraduate curriculum framework.

“He has also contributed his vast experience in workforce policy as chair of the committee developing the Blueprint for Action pathways to Indigenous health workforce for the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Council, and in his involvement with the COAG Australian Health Workforce Advisory Council.”

Dr Wenitong is from the Kabi Kabi tribal group of South Queensland and is the sixth Aboriginal doctor to graduate in Australia.

Dr Pesce said that in his role as Senior Medical Officer for the Apunipima Cape York Health Council, Dr Wenitong has integrated his work in policy, health service planning and research to develop an evidence-based Family Centred Primary Health Care model for Cape York.

“Dr Wenitong’s contribution to improving the health of Indigenous people has gone above and beyond that of a clinician,” Dr Pesce said.

“He is a role model for future generations of Indigenous people and a mentor for medical students and practitioners with a desire to work in Indigenous health.

“This award recognises and acknowledges Dr Wenitong’s tireless efforts to achieve the best possible health outcomes for Indigenous people as an advocate for the Indigenous health workforce and an adviser on primary health care service delivery in Indigenous communities.”


27 May 2011

CONTACT:         John Flannery                     02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                       Geraldine Kurukchi               02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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