Position Statement

AMA Queensland Advocacy Priorities 2024-26

Our Advocacy Priorities 2024-26 builds on our Strategic Plan 2021-23 and has been developed by the AMA Queensland secretariat, Council and Board to guide our work, priorities and actions over the next three years.

Our advocacy priorities are in three main areas:

  • Advocacy for doctors – workforce, training, leadership, wellbeing and primary-tertiary integration;
  • Advocacy for patients – prevention, collaborative evidence-based practice, digital integration, First Nations health and women’s health; and
  • Advocacy for our community – climate and sustainability, LGBTQIA+SB community, aged and end-of-life care, and substance-related harm.

We will work hard to advance these priorities with all levels of government and all sides of politics for the good of the Queensland community.

Read our advocacy priorities

On Wednesday 3 July Health Minister Shannon Fentiman wrote to us in response to our 2024-25 Budget Submission and related meeting on 26 March 2024.

Read the letter

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