
We campaign on issues that affect you and the health outcomes of Queenslanders.

AMA Queensland Election Priorities 2024

Election priorities

The AMA Queensland Council has determined the organisation’s priorities for the 2024 Queensland Election. Broadly, the 17 priority areas cover policy reforms that will greatly benefit Queensland’s doctors, their patients and the community provided they receive significant investment by the State Government and/or adequate ongoing support where already established.

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Surgical Wait List Roundtable

Surgical Wait List Roundtable

AMA Queensland convened its Surgical Wait List Roundtable to examine growing elective surgery wait lists in regional and rural areas and identify practical, affordable actions the Government can take to address inequities in access.

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State Budget Submission 2022-23

AMA Queensland 2024-25 Budget Submission

The AMA Queensland Council has determined the organisation’s key advocacy priorities for 2024-26. Broadly, the 14 priority areas cover policy reforms that will greatly benefit Queensland’s doctors, their patients and the community provided they receive significant investment by the State Government and/or adequate ongoing support where already established.

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Resident Hospital Health Check

RHHC 2024

Each year, ASMOFQ, in collaboration with AMA Queensland and its Committee of Doctors in Training surveys Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) throughout Queensland, including Interns, Junior House Officers, Senior House Officers and those on Continued Residency. 

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Clinician Resources: Opioid Stewardship

Opioid stewardship

The AMA Queensland Council established the Opioid Stewardship Roundtable (OSRT) to provide considered and expert advice regarding best practice in opioid management for acute pain. 

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2023 Achievements

2023 achievements

AMA Queensland is the peak medical body representing the state's doctors. We are doctor-led and patient-centred. 

Ours is the only organisation that supports doctors from all craft groups and at all stages of their career – from medical student to senior active doctor.  

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Payroll tax campaign

Payroll tax campaign

AMA Queensland has been liaising with the Queensland Revenue Office (QRO) to obtain greater clarity for practices about the payroll tax amnesty for contracted general practitioners.

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Every two minutes an Australian is hospitalised because of prescription medicines. 

Prescription medicines are available to prevent, manage, treat and cure disease, but statistics show that certain prescription medicines are commonly a cause of considerable physical, mental and social harms. Deaths and harm caused by prescription medicines are significant public health issues.

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Stop North Queensland Pharmacy Pilot

Pharmacy trial

Pharmacy trial puts profits ahead of patients

The Queensland Government’s decision to push ahead with its dangerous plan to allow retail pharmacists in North Queensland to diagnose and prescribe for a range of serious conditions shows a blatant disregard for patient safety.

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End-of-life care

End of life care

AMA Queensland has continued to advocate for increased investment in end-of-life care, including through our recent Advocacy Priorities 2024-26 and pre-Budget submissions.  

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Ramping Roundtable Action Plan


Exhausted public hospital doctors have called for urgent action to fix ambulance ramping and bed block in Queensland’s public hospital system.

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Bulk billing incentive - the facts

Bulk billing incentive - the facts

We've developed a suite of resources to inform patients about changes to the bulk billing incentive and why it will not impact patient Medicare rebates. 

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Every Dr Needs a GP

every dr needs a gp

It can be tricky for a doctor to be a patient and for a doctor to be comfortable treating another doctor. But the reality is, every doctor needs a GP to provide objective health advice and support.

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