Media release

Fraser Coast TAFE a boost to region

The ribbon-cutting on the new Hervey Bay TAFE facilities to train nursing and other allied healthcare workers is a welcome boost to the Fraser Coast’s healthcare workforce, AMA Queensland Vice President Dr Nick Yim said.

“It’s great that more than 120 healthcare students are already being trained in this new facility,” Dr Yim, a GP in Hervey Bay, said.

“In February, AMA Queensland supported the Fraser Coast Regional Council and the University of Queensland to hold the inaugural Fraser Coast Health Conference, bringing more than 150 doctors, nurses and students to Hervey Bay to see the career and lifestyle opportunities this region has to offer.

“I moved here 10 years ago and I can’t imagine a better place to live and work.

"We know the population on the Fraser Coast is older than the Queensland average. This is associated with increased chronic disease, such as obesity, heart disease, lung disease, cancer and mental health issues.

“We need more healthcare workers to look after our community.

“You can’t be what you can’t see, and if our doctors, nurses and allied health practitioners don’t get to see what regional practice looks like, we won’t get them to move out of this cities and into our beautiful regional areas.

“Making training more accessible for regional students increases our chances of keeping them in their home towns. We need to train locally, recruit locally and retain locally.”

Photos from the Fraser Coast Health Conference are available here.

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