
Foundation flood fundraiser and grants


AMA Queensland Foundation is building on its support for flood-affected Queenslanders by launching a fundraiser to provide up to $50,000 in assistance grants.

In early March, the Foundation, AMA Queensland’s charitable arm, launched the 2022 Flood Assistance Grants with an initial commitment of $25,000 to help patients experiencing hardship.

The Foundation has supported 16 people with $1,000 grants and is now raising additional funds to continue and extend the program to help more patients as well as doctors and practices recover.

The Foundation will match donations dollar for dollar up to the value of $25,000 in a fundraising campaign that runs until Monday 2 May.

Dr Dilip Dhupelia, Chair of the AMA Queensland Foundation acknowledged the flood assistance grants were a drop in the ocean compared to the magnitude of devastation experienced by so many Queenslanders.

“Our hearts go out to those who have lost so much in the recent floods and while our grants are modest, we hope they give some relief to those who are doing it tough as well as some comfort to know they are not alone.

“We also know many doctors and medical practices were inundated and we want to help get them back on their feet so they can continue to care for their communities,” said Dr Dhupelia.

“It’s vital to support whole communities to receive the medical care they are used to with the doctors and practices they know.

“It’s been so challenging for our health care heroes during the pandemic and then to see whole medical practices wiped out in the floods is just heartbreaking for the patients, doctors and communities who rely on them.”

Professor Chris Perry, AMA Queensland President said he was immensely proud of the Foundation’s work over the past 22 years.

“This fundraiser and the flood assistance grants build on our long history of helping Queenslanders in need.

“We know it will take time to repair, rebuild and recover from the floods and we hope these grants help people experiencing hardship get one step further on that journey,” said Prof Perry.

“I urge everyone who can, to donate generously so we can help as many people as possible.”

Donate now

Patients, doctors and medical practices can apply for a 2022 Flood Assistance Grant by completing the relevant application form on the AMA Queensland Foundation website.

Apply for a flood assistance grant

For further information, contact AMA Queensland Foundation Coordinators on (07) 3872 2222 or email