
Changes to sexual harassment legislation


After the recent changes applied to the Sexual Harassment Legislation, employees across Australia have a clear avenue when needing to seek assistance with sexual harassment in the workplace.  

In light of these recent changes, employers should also ensure they are implementing or reviewing relevant measures within their workplace, such as a sexual harassment policy.

Employers should also be making sure their employment contracts incorporate these relevant updates to legislation. 

To foster a safer work environment, employers are encouraged to elect to provide relevant training to staff members associated with a sexual harassment policy, so that all employees are familiar will the procedures in the workplace. 

If any complaint is received about sexual harassment in the workplace, it should be taken seriously to confirm they protecting the wellbeing and safety of all employees.

We strongly encourage you to contact us if you would like some more guidance or assistance in creating a workplace policy, or providing relevant training to employees. Similarly, if you receive an Order to Stop Sexual Harassment, please get in touch with our Workplace Relations Team on (07) 3872 2222 or