
Sexual safety in medicine seminars

Assoc Prof Louise Stone will hold a series of Sexual Safety in Medicine online seminars.

We know from the 2023 Medical Training Survey results and our own Resident Hospital Health Check that the prevalence of sexual harassment in medicine is unacceptably high. There have been a number of initiatives to reduce this form of professional misconduct. The Sexual Safety in Medicine Group is focusing on the specific issues faced within the discipline of medicine. 

The seminars are: 

23 March 2024
Global perspectives on sexual harassment in medicine and its management
11 May 2024
Law and regulation: the changing landscape
22 June 2024
Managing sexual misconduct in Medical Education: the role of Universities, Colleges and Medical Workplaces
27 July 2024
Overcoming shame, stigma and silence after sexual trauma
14 September 2024
Managing people and places at higher risk: secondary health promotion for sexual harms
Upcoming seminars

Professionalism and professional identity formation
Research on sexual safety: working together to build a community of practice
Doctors in training: a workshop to be co-designed with doctors in training groups
Managing sexual harms in the Northern Hemisphere 

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