
Mask mandate may be needed

A new COVID surge and rising flu cases might mean we have to go back to wearing masks, AMA Queensland Vice President Dr Nick Yim has told ABC Brisbane.


Transcript: AMA Queensland Vice President, Dr Nick Yim, ABC Brisbane, Breakfast with Craig Zonca, Monday 4 July 2022

Subjects: Mask mandates, COVID peak, flu season

CRAIG ZONCA: A grim milestone for Australia over the weekend. 10,000 people have now died due to COVID 19 and case numbers are on the rise again. In Queensland we're talking about active cases of over 30,000, more than 600 people being treated in hospital, 18 of which are in intensive care. And I don't know about the discussion you were having with your family, but all seem to be centred around whether the mask mandate should come back.

          [Excerpt – quotes from Health Minister and comments from listeners]

Dr Nick Yim is a general practitioner. He's also the Vice President of the Australian Medical Association in Queensland. Dr Yim, good morning.

DR NICK YIM:   Good morning, Craig.

CRAIG ZONCA:   Do you think masks and a mask mandate should be back?

DR NICK YIM:   I think no one wants to ever see a return of the mask mandates, but I think you rightfully said, and I think some of your callers have also said, I think it's one of those instances where you do need to take a bit of your own personal responsibility. And especially I know myself and my family members, they're wearing masks in areas where you can't socially distance, such as shopping centres.

CRAIG ZONCA: Yeah. And the supermarket's always a good one – we’re whipping the mask back on. And from your perspective as a GP, what are you seeing at the moment? Paint the picture as to the situation right now.

DR NICK YIM:   Absolutely. As a GP, we are seeing a definite big rise in COVID cases, but at the same time, we are also seeing a really big rise in flu cases. What I'm seeing is, a lot of my patients are calling in for telehealth or coming in for a consult, they're saying, "I'm COVID RAT negative." But the reality is they're picking up the common cold, the influenza virus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, so those other viruses are on the rise as well.

CRAIG ZONCA:   For people who, say, come into your GP practice, they still have to wear a mask? It's still compulsory there, isn't it?

DR NICK YIM:   Yeah, absolutely. It's still compulsory to wear a mask in a healthcare setting, so that includes your GP practice, hospitals.

CRAIG ZONCA:   Mm. What about pharmacies? Where do they fall?

DR NICK YIM:   That's an interesting one. I've got to check my notes, but I believe they are still classified as a healthcare setting, so I would encourage most people who are visiting pharmacies to wear a mask because a lot of people who do visit pharmacies are quite vulnerable. They're often elderly, people who are unwell and people who are taking long term medication.

CRAIG ZONCA:   Nick, you said it's up to personal responsibility, but is there also a threshold level where you think, okay, gosh, at the moment, we're talking about 600 people in hospital due to COVID-related illnesses. I think there's another 100-plus due to the flu right now in Queensland that are getting treatment in hospital. What would be the threshold level in your mind to start thinking about a broader mask mandate again?

DR NICK YIM:   It's something where we always are guided by the expert advice, and expert advice comes from our Chief Health Officer. We know that he's not advocating for mask mandates just yet, but I think it's one of those instances that we have seen by the past couple of years, I guess, during the pandemic, we are still in a pandemic, that masks have done some good work with preventing the spread of the respiratory virus.

CRAIG ZONCA:   It most certainly does, and certainly seems to be the case. You've started wearing a mask again, you say yourself, Dr Nick Yim. And I guess the word of advice then, how would you sum it up to people listening this morning?

DR NICK YIM:   I guess there are very, very simple steps. Number one is wearing a mask where you can't socially distance. The other big thing is if you haven't had your COVID booster, please get your COVID booster, similarly the influenza vaccine. It's great that Queensland government has listened to our call to extend the free flu jab until July 17. For those of you who haven't had the influenza vaccine, please get it because this year already, there's been more than 29,000 confirmed cases of flu. And obviously we know from our previous years, flu can land people in hospital, and even cause deaths as well.

CRAIG ZONCA:   And in terms of supply for that flu vaccine, what are your GP colleagues telling you?

DR NICK YIM:   Yep. Supply of the flu vaccine, we have got ample supply of flu vaccine. We're stocked up. I'm in Hervey Bay. Similarly, if you can't get an appointment with your GP, some of the local pharmacies are also having that free flu vaccine as well.

CRAIG ZONCA:   Okay. Thanks for the advice this morning, Nick. Really appreciate it. Dr Nick Yim, who is the Vice President of the Australian Medical Association in Queensland.