Disability Support Pension Impairment Tables Review Update - Consultation now open
The Department of Social Services (the department) would like to inform GPs that further consultation has commenced for the review of the Disability Support Pension Impairment Tables (the Impairment Tables).
A dedicated page on the proposed changes to the Impairment Tables is now open on the Engage platform, accessible at Proposed changes to the Disability Support Pension (DSP) Impairment Tables | engage.dss.gov.au. The consultation is open until 11 November 2022.
The department has developed an accompanying paper which provides details about the proposed changes to the Impairment Tables and an online questionnaire for you to provide your feedback. Both of these documents are available on Engage.
The consultation is open to all interested people with disability, their families and carers, disability advocates, medical professionals and other interested stakeholders.
The department would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders for their contributions to the process to date.