
NPS MedicineWise to cease operations

On Wednesday 14 September, NPS MedicineWise announced they will cease operations in 2023 after the Federal Government defunded the organisation. 

From 1 January 2023, NPS MedicineWise will no longer receive Federal Government funding to deliver Quality Use of Medicines activities, and existing functions will transfer either to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) or to new contestable funding arrangements. 

NPS MedicineWise’s programs and resources reach all GPs and one-third of residential aged care facilities across Australia, and have made significant and demonstrable improvements to the health of Australians - including through reducing medicines harm, cancers, strokes and other major cardiovascular events. Recent programs on heart failure, mental health and young people, anticholinergics and falls in older people and chronic kidney disease are amongst the most valued and impactful programs that NPS MedicineWise has delivered. 

You can read NPS MedicineWise’s media release here

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