
AMA calls for greater role for doctors in disaster planning and management

The AMA has released an updated position statement on Ethical Considerations for Medical Practitioners in Disaster Response in Australia

The position statement developed after recent natural disasters and the continuing COVID pandemic calls for both expert and front-line doctors to be included in planning for disasters, as well as having a seat at the table with emergency managers during disasters. 

AMA President Dr Omar Khorshid said doctors with expertise or coal-face experience are not given a sufficient role in current disaster planning arrangements and when disasters hit, there is a great deal of policy on the run as doctors struggle to maintain services to their local community. 

“During a disaster when resources are overwhelmed, doctors will be faced with ethical challenges that do not generally occur during ordinary clinical encounters. These include rationing of scarce resources, prioritising care to make best use of limited resources and providing limited care rather than comprehensive treatment.  

“This position statement serves to identify a range of those ethical challenges and highlight the major medical professional values and ethical principles that should guide doctors in their disaster response,” he said.  

Dr Khorshid said protocols or ethical frameworks should be developed in consultation with and supported by the medical profession and the wider community. It is “critical” to include local doctors during a disaster response and said the medical and healthcare workforce should be consulted in the development and review of disaster plans at a governmental level as well as at health facilities.  

“Doctors will have particular insight into issues of operational efficiency such as addressing surge capacity and use of emergency provider numbers.  

You can read the position statement here

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