New Assessing Fitness to Drive 2022
General Practitioners are advised that a new edition of the national driver medical standards ‘Assessing Fitness to Drive’ (2022) will come into effect on 22 June 2022.
From that date all medical assessments conducted for the purpose of determining fitness to drive must be conducted according to the new edition. A summary of changes is now available from the Austroads website to help you prepare for the transition.
The driver medical standards Assessing Fitness to Drive have been revised to reflect current medical and research knowledge and the current transport environment. Reviews are conducted regularly to ensure currency and to respond to feedback from health professionals, drivers and other stakeholders.
The current review of Assessing Fitness to Drive has resulted in some changes to the licensing criteria to account for developments in medical understanding and practice. It is not anticipated that the standards will impact on health professionals’ workload in undertaking assessments.
The AMA provided a submission to the Review and as member of the Assessing Fitness to Drive Implementation Advisory Group worked with the National Transport Commission and Austroads on the resources to assist practitioners assessing fitness to drive Standards and their communication.
Further information is available from the Austroads website.