My Health Record has proof of COVID-19 vaccinations
GPs can inform patients that they can find proof of their vaccination in their My Health Record. The record provides an immunisation history statement as well as the COVD-19 digital certificate. Patients can also download their digital certificate to a digital wallet for ready access. To access it, patients need to link their My Health Record through their myGov account.
The Australian Digital Health Agency has advised that the My Health Record has a new dashboard with everything COVID-19-related in one place – this includes COVID-19 vaccination details and test results, medical conditions, relevant medicines and allergy information (eg anaphylaxis), plus links to the COVID-19 vaccine clinic finder and side effect checker.
My Health Record also gives health care providers information on pre-existing conditions and medicine history of the patient which may be useful in assessing potential allergic reactions or side effects of immunisation.
COVID-19 vaccination data flows into My Health Record from all states and territories after it has been reported to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). Providers can access this data through their clinician information system or the National Provider Portal.
For patients having problems with linking to My Health Record via myGov this FAQ page. on may help or they can contact the My Health Record Help line is 1800 723 471. It is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.