
Looking after yourself – Drs4Drs

GPs experience health troubles just as their patients do.

But with the added challenges stemming from COVID care and long working hours, doctors can be even more susceptible to suffering from stress and burnout. 

Each state in Australia has its own helplines and referral services that are funded by Drs4Drs, a subsidiary company of the AMA that is dedicated to supporting doctors and medical students to stay healthy. These services are completely confidential. The helplines are staffed by senior GPs and counsellors with experience in Doctors’ Health. When you call a helpline, you’ll speak to someone at the paging service who will then ask you for a name and contact number. This is not an emergency or crisis line, but a first point of contact. 

Drs4Drs was established as a response to the growing concern for doctors’ wellbeing. Our role is to coordinate doctors’ health programs, advocate for doctors’ wellbeing, and build a supportive medical community in Australia. We believe in supporting doctors to stay healthy through their entire career, so that they in turn can encourage their patients to do the same. 

Find more information here

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