
Refresh of Notes for Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program Providers

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has revised the Notes for Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program Providers (the Notes). 

The Notes provide information about the delivery of the Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Program for GPs and other health professionals. 

From 5 February 2021, the names of the four CVC Program fee items that can be claimed by GPs will also be changed to better reflect the activities that these items are claimed for. These changes reflect the deliverables of the claim items and clearly denote the expectations associated with each item: 

  • The names of UP01 and UP02 will be changed from “Initial Incentive Payment” to “Initial Assessment and Program Enrolment” (with/without a practice nurse). Initial care plan development remains a requirement for claiming these items. 

  • The names of UP03 and UP04 will be changed from “Quarterly Care Payment” to “Completion of CVC 90 Day Period of Care - Review of Care Plan and Eligibility” (with/without a practice nurse). 

The Notes are available on the DVA website here.  

There has also been an expansion of CVC program to expand eligibility for the program to Veteran White Card holders with a chronic mental health condition accepted as being related to their military service. 

The expansion of the eligibility for the CVC Program is to commence 1 July 2021. 

This funding means that more veterans with chronic mental health concerns will be supported, providing them with greater access to coordinated care and treatment of their mental health conditions. 

Further information is available on the DVA website here.

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