Productivity Commission Report shows Australians high satisfaction with their GPs
The Productivity Commission’s 2020 Report on Government Services (RoGS) has shown that Australians continue to report extremely high rates of satisfaction with their GPs, with the percentage of Australians reporting that their GP listened carefully to them, showed them respect and spent enough time with them increasing on past years’ results.
92.3 per cent said the GP always or often listened carefully to them, 94.6 per cent said that the GP always or often showed them respect, and 90.9 per cent said the GP spent enough time with them. All figures are higher than previous years and demonstrate a trend of increasing satisfaction.
While total expenditure on general practice increased slightly to $405 per person from $397 last year, this increase is not enough given the impact of the years of the Medicare freeze and the rising incidence of chronic health conditions. The AMA is calling for general practice funding to be increased to ten per cent of the Federal health budget. Currently, funding for general practice is below eight per cent.
The AMA 10-Year Framework for Primary Care Reform outline the AMA’s vision for general practice. You can read it here.