
AMA President supports rural generalist sub-specialisation recognition

AMA President Dr Omar Khorshid has written to the Presidents of RACGP and ACRRM reiterating the AMA’s support for the recognition of rural generalist medicine as a specialist field within general practice.  

Dr Karen Price, RACGP President, and Dr Sarah Chalmers, ACRRM President, wrote to Dr Khorshid requesting the AMA’s support for the Colleges application recognition to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA).  

The AMA supports recognising rural generalist medicine as a protected title and specialised field within general practice to support the development of the National Rural Generalist Pathway and enhance the attractiveness of rural generalism to trainees. This will contribute to developing a workforce that can provide extended services for the healthcare needs of rural and remote communities. 

The AMA understands that existing general practitioners will be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning for training they have completed or work they are already doing in rural communities to the scope of a Rural Generalist. 

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