
Maternity services must be collaborative and led by obstetricians or GP obstetricians.

The AMA’s submission to the Commonwealth Department of Health on the proposed new National Maternity Services Strategy says that national maternity services must use a collaborative care model led by obstetricians or general practice obstetricians.

AMA President Dr Tony Bartone said that best-practice maternity care in the 21st century is provided by a multi-disciplinary team of health professionals. “Current evidence supports that this model of care – led by an obstetrician or GP obstetrician – is the safest for mothers and babies, and optimises a range of other health outcomes. Obstetrician-led or GP obstetrician-led care means that, at a minimum, there will be initial assessment by either an obstetrician or GP obstetrician, and assessment and regular review during labour.”

“In many instances, GPs are the health professionals who start the conversation with women about having children. GPs are best placed to provide continuity of care for women before, during, and after their pregnancies. And GPs are especially important in providing whole of maternity care for women in rural and remote communities.”

Dr Bartone said that significant additional Federal Government funding will be needed to ensure safe, high-quality, and easily accessible maternity services across Australia.

Read the full submission here.

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