
GP resources at your fingertips

The AMA’s GP Desktop Tool allows for quick and easy access to a range of forms, guides and clinical tools to assist you in your day to day practice. Newly added resources include AIVL’s ‘A Normal Day’, the Australian Paediatric Society’s child diabetes school training modules, a GP’s guide on the NDIS, codeine up-scheduling and chronic pain management, and an AMA fatigue risk assessment tool.

The AMA’s GP Desktop Tool brings resources to aid patient consultation and practice management, all in one convenient place. The GP Desktop Tool allows GP members to access resources including:

  • Commonly used forms
  • Clinical questionnaires and checklists such as the Abbey Pain Scale
  • Administrative checklists and tools such as checklists for patient billing
  • Information Kits such as Medicare Services for Indigenous Health
  • State specific resources such as Worker’s Compensation certificates

The GP Desktop Tool is free and only available to AMA members. Simply log in or sign up to doctorportal to access this resource now.

Need assistance? Contact the doctorportal team on or the AMA member services team on 1300 133 655 or

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