
COVID– 19 - Infection control training now available

The Department of Health has commissioned the development of online infection control training for use by care workers across the health, aged care, disability and childcare sector.

The module, titled How to protect yourself and the people you are caring for from infection with COVID-19, is easy to use and uses open registration.

The recommended audience includes:

  • Care workers across all sectors including health (hospitals and all primary and secondary care settings including allied health, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, pharmacists and dentists and their staff including nurses, cleaners and receptionists).
  • Aged care (both in residential aged care facilities or with visiting carers at home including cleaners and cooks).
  • Disability (whether in residential/shared care facility or part-time carers in people’s homes including cleaners and cooks); and
  • Childcare.

This training module covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control (IPC) for COVID-19 including:

  • COVID-19 – what is it?
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Keeping safe – protecting yourself and others
  • Myth busting

The module should take approx. 30 mins to complete, with quiz at the end.

Key learning objectives include:

  • Understanding the basics about the COVID-19 virus, including how it is spread
  • Describing what you can do to protect yourself and others
  • Knowing what to do if you develop symptoms
  • Knowing what to do if the person you are caring for develops symptoms
  • Telling the difference between myths and facts of COVID-19

The training module can be accessed from the Department of Health website here.

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