
AMA/AIS launch new concussion resources

In response to growing concern in Australia and internationally about the incidence of sport-related concussion and potential health ramifications for athletes, the AMA and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) recently launched a Concussion in Sport website and Position Statement. Both these include resources for GPs to assist with the assessment and management of concussion.

The AMA and AIS hope to ensure that all members of the public have rapid access to information to increase their understanding of sport-related concussion and to assist in the delivery of best practice medical care. Funded by the Australian Government, the Position Statement and website on concussion in sport bring together the latest, most reliable, evidence-based information and present it in a format that is appropriate for all stakeholders. The website contains webpages tailored specifically to different groups, including medical practitioners, athletes, parents, coaches, and teachers.

The website also presents videos recorded by experts from the sporting world, GPs, emergency doctors, and also by neurosurgeon and immediate past President of the AMA, Professor Brian Owler.

Transcript: Professor Brian Owler and Dr David Hughes, Doorstop Canberra 28 May 2016

Transcript: Professor Brian Owler, 774 ABC Melbourne with Hilary Harper, 28 May 2016

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