
Report of 2014 AMA Specialist Trainee Survey

The 2014 AMA Specialist Trainee Survey of hospital-based trainees and GP registrars highlights the strengths and areas for improvement in vocational training programs, and identifies emerging issues and trends in vocational training.  The 2014 STS shows that medical colleges are performing well in most areas of vocational training. Career choice, level of supervision, standard of training, clinical experience, and access to safe working hours are areas where trainees continue to have a high level of confidence in their training program. 

There are however, significant areas of dissatisfaction, many of which have unfortunately remained unchanged since 2010.  Responsiveness to cases of bullying and harassment, feedback, appeals and remediation processes, and the cost of training are ongoing issues for trainees. The survey also shows that trainees are also uncertain with how to get access to academic streams and accredited overseas rotations as part of their training program.