
Medical training survey needs your input

Dr Chris Wilson, AMA Council of Doctors in Training Deputy Co-Chair, says the AMA and its Council of Doctors in Training has spent years pushing for the creation of a national training survey to track and compare training across the prevocational and vocational spectrum; in hospitals, primary care and anywhere else doctors in training work. Now coined the Medical Training Survey (MTS), AMACDT has been there since its inception. We were part of the robust discussions on questions, we argued and gained agreement that you can’t divorce training from other components of work like supervision and workplace culture.

"Australia’s doctors in training will soon have the chance to tell medical educators, employers, governments and regulators what they think about medical training in Australia," said Dr Wilson.

The MTS – set to run from 1 August to 30 September 2019 – will ask Australia’s 30,000+ doctors in training about the quality of their training and identify issues that could impact on patient safety, including environment and culture, unacceptable behaviours and the quality of supervision.

The MTS will be anonymous, confidential and accessible online. Survey results will be used to improve medical training in Australia and be reported publicly, while protecting individual privacy.
It has been a team effort to develop the MTS, with doctors in training, specialist colleges, employers, educators, the AMA and the AMC, working closely with health practitioner regulators to develop the MTS.

‘For the first time in Australia, the MTS will start to build a comprehensive, national picture of the strengths and weaknesses of medical training across states and territories, medical disciplines and stages of training. We will have a clear and comparative baseline for continuing improvements,’ Dr  Anne Tonkin, Chair of the Medical Board of Australia said.

Read more about why you need to do the MTS

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