
From the Chair

November has marked a very successful month in the finalisation and promotion of a number of CDT's key projects for 2014, and I must say it's a pleasure to see much hard work translate into outcomes.

The long-awaited AMA-MIIAA Clinical Images and the Use of Personal Mobile Devices: A Guide for Doctors and Medical Students was released on 21 November. The guide will be invaluable for clinicians to meet their responsibilities, and also as a tool for system improvement. See the story below for full details.

The CDT Chair and Deputy Chair had the opportunity to present four papers to the Australia and New Zealand Medical Education and Training conference, presenting CDT's work on the guide to clinical images, the interim findings of the 2014 Specialist Trainee and GP Registrar surveys, integration of global health competencies into training programs and entry requirements for vocational training.

A trans-national summit on establishing clinical academic pathways was held on 12 November, co-hosted by RACS and Medical Deans, with supported from CDT, implementing its 2013 position statement on this important topic.

Finally, the November meeting of AMA Federal Council demonstrated newly agile policy processes under the new AMA Constitution, including first meetings of the medical workforce, medical practice and health financing committees.

This will be my last opportunity to introduce e-DiT, as I'm making way for Dr Danika Thiemt to lead from the start of 2015. Thanks to all Doctors-in-Training and AMA staff who have contributed to CDT's excellent work this year.

Dr James A Churchill
Chair, AMA Council of Doctors in Training


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