September CDT Activity Roundup – CDT Meeting, WSIG + PSIG
September was another productive month for AMACDT Special Interest Groups.
The AMA Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT) convened on Saturday 24 September for a short online meeting. The meeting included discussions on flexibility in training and work for doctors in training, scrutinising the Medical Deans of Australia and New Zealand Supporting Students to Transition to Practice Report, and examining progress on the AMACDT Operational Plan. AMACDT will be providing a submission to the Australian Medical Council review of Accreditation Standards for Primary Medical Programs. The next Council of Doctors in Training meeting will be a face-to-face meeting held in Canberra on 19-20 November.
The AMACDT Prevocational Special Interest Group (PSIG) co-chaired by Dr Balakavitha B Pillai and Dr Hayden Cain advocates for pre-training registrars variously known as unaccredited prevocational registrars. PSIG advocates for the accreditation of service registrars ensuring safe and equitable outcomes for registrars and their consumers. PSIG met on Tuesday 13 September and discussed the Medical Deans of Australia and New Zealand’s Supporting Students to Transition to Practice report with their guest AMSA President Jasmine Davis. PSIG also discussed and analysed the Australian Medical Council review of the Accreditation Standards for Primary Medical Programs and will contribute to the AMACDT response to the consultation.
AMACDT Wellbeing Special Interest Group (WSIG) chaired by Dr Nicola Campbell met on 20 September. WSIG is progressing work around scoping a ‘every person needs a GP’ campaign to promote GPs to doctors with the Federal AMA and DRS4DRS; and collating resources regarding suicide postvention responses with a view to identifying connections with stakeholders and next steps for advocacy. WSIG have also developed infographics on how to identify and report bullying and harassment via a set of Bullying & Harassment posters. These will be promoted via State and Territory AMAs, DiTCs and Media teams.