Workplace Bullying focus for AMACDT
Your AMACDT continues to tackle workplace bullying and harassment and takes action to improve the wellbeing of Doctors in Training across the country.
AMACDT will be releasing an updated position statement on workplace bullying, discrimination and harassment in December. This has been after extensive consultation including input from Professor Michelle Tuckey, who specialises in understanding psychosocial influences on wellbeing in the workplace. Whilst CDT have been working hard on this document, we have also been working on practical steps on how to implement recommendations from the position statement.
Following on from the success of the AMA(SA) Culture and Bullying in Medicine Summit, which helped influence change in legislation so that Hospital Boards take responsibility for the wellbeing of their staff, CDT and AMA Federal Council passed a motion calling for similar legislative change in all States and Territories. The AMA will advocate for this change at a national and state and territory level at upcoming meetings with health and political leaders. As this occurs members of the CDT executive have met with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to discuss how staff wellbeing can be included in the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and hence be a component of accreditation, recognising that poor workplace culture impacts negatively on patient safety.
CDT has representatives on the working group for the upcoming National Culture of Healthcare Symposium being run by the Medical Board of Australia. CDT have also coordinated two roundtables with key doctor mental health and wellbeing organisations and advocates to explore what tangible actions can be taken to reduce bullying and harassment in the workplace. AMA CDT and it’s Wellbeing Special Interest Group (WSIG) are dedicated to improving workplace culture for doctors in training. Improving doctor wellbeing will remain a key priority for advocacy in 2022.
Have your say on this issue by emailing
Dr Hannah Szewcyzk
AMACDT Deputy Co-Chair