
Specialist Medical College examinations essential work

The AMA is advocating for National Specialist Medical College examinations to be regarded as an essential part of trainee work. As such, in the event of a lockdown, we recommend that State and Territory Governments provide exemptions for National Specialist Medical College examinations that are held within COVID Safe guidelines due to the significant workforce disruptions, implications for future workforce, and serious wellbeing implications for trainees of cancelled/postponed exams.

A national plan should also be in place to provide exemptions for trainees who need to relocate for training purposes and to provide services to often understaffed health services and communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in major disruptions to usual progression through medical training for all medical trainees, with potentially wide-reaching medical workforce implications, including further exacerbation of workforce maldistribution.  Specifically on the impact of postponed or cancelled examinations, the significant preparation for these, usually several months to years of personal sacrifice (including time away from family and delaying significant life events), means that changes to set schedules has and will continue to cause significant stress to many trainees.

Read more about AMACDT advocacy for DiTs during COVID here

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