
AMA advocacy to support GP trainees

Results from the recent GPRA survey about the impacts of COVID-19 on GP Trainee Employment has highlighted the vulnerabilities associated with current GP registrar employment arrangements and reinforces the benefits of a single employer model.  

The survey revealed one in ten of those who responded have had their working hours decreased and nearly three quarters had experienced a decrease in patient numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The AMA has also been contacted directly by trainees reporting loss of income and employment. These issues affect all private practice trainees including GP Registrars, Psychiatry Registrars and ACSEP Registrars.  

The AMACDT has developed an information sheet (linked below) which outlines AMA advocacy priorities to support doctors in training during this critical time.  

We will also be working with all GP stakeholders to urge the Government develop a single employer model. This alternative to fee-for-service arrangements would deliver equitable remuneration and employment conditions for GP registrars, and between GP registrars and non-GP registrars, while at the same time meeting the needs of supervising practices.  

Supporting General Practice registrars during the COVID-19 pandemic

AMA Budget Submission 2020-21

GPRA on impacts of COVID-19 on GP training 

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