
Seeking EOIs for AMACDT representative to AMACGP

Want to get involved with the AMA? Expressions of interest are also called for the AMACDT representative to the AMA Council of General Practice.

Please contact the Chair, AMACDT, Dr Tessa Kennedy, on  with any queries.

EOI can be submitted to 

EOI are due by Friday 1 March 2018.

Please feel free to forward this to any AMA GP registrar member who may be interested in nominating for this position. For the purposes of representation on various committees, a GP registrar is defined as a GP registrar or a new fellow for up to two years post fellowship.

Interested representatives should be able to demonstrate the following attributes:

  • background and/or interest in the Council/Committee’s brief/subject matter;
  • willingness and ability to contribute to professional discussion and debate;
  • ability to present the views and interests of the AMACDT and doctors in training;
  • preparedness to facilitate communication between the AMACDT and the Council/Committee (including liaison with the Chair/Deputy Chair AMACDT and reporting to AMACDT; and
  • availability for meeting attendance and associated Council/Committee work.

Additional information

TERMS OF REFERENCE: AMA Council of General Practice

  1. Develop new, and revise existing, policy and make recommendations to Federal Council:

(a) To represent the views of the AMA's general practice (GP) members (including GP trainees).

(b) On appropriate GP reforms.

(c) To facilitate increased cohesion between the GP political organisations to ensure that they make tangible progress towards the GP being properly recognised remunerated and integrated into the Australian health care system.

(d) To represent Other Medical Practitioners within the AMA

  1. Develop and make recommendations to Federal Council on strategies to advocate AMA policies.
  2. From its membership, represent the AMA on external committees.


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