

Part of being doctor is being an AMA member. Your membership keeps us strong and with a Federal Election in 2019, it’s your voice as an AMA member that will help determine the next Government and its health policy.

As part of the AMA, your AMA will be advocating for:

  • Cohesive medical workforce and training policies across all governments
  • National Mandatory Reporting laws that help doctors and patients
  • Better health care for asylum seekers and refugees
  • A greater focus on mental health
  • Strategic funding and programs to improve Indigenous health
  • A reinvigorated approach to public health and prevention
  • Significant new investment in general practice
  • MBS review outcomes that improve the delivery of health care
  • Increased public hospital funding
  • Better value and more transparent private health insurance
  • Urgent action on aged care reform
  • A My Health Record that protects patient privacy and confidentiality

The AMA is only as strong as its membership. With increasing pressure on prevocational and vocational training places and stretched health budgets, it is a critical time for the medical profession in Australia. Now, more than ever, is the time for your voice to be heard. I urge you to join your AMA, and in doing so, help shape and improve the future of the Australian health system.

You can renew your tax-deductible membership online or contact your local AMA office.


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