
Strong stand against bullying and harassment applauded

The AMACDT applauds the strong stand taken by the College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) against bullying and a toxic work culture by stripping the intensive care unit at Sydney’s Westmead Hospital of its accreditation status. Similar concerns have lead the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons to decide not to send an accredited trainee to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital cardiothoracic department in 2019.

“It is a clear statement by both Colleges that bullying and harassment are incompatible with a quality training environment, and if not dealt with locally they are willing to wield the accreditation stick” said Dr Tessa Kennedy, Chair, AMA Council of Doctors in Training.

“It’s pleasing to see zero tolerance policies towards bullying and harassment actually enacted by the Colleges, and I hope more Colleges take ownership of the culture they are endorsing when they accredit training environments.”

“However it is important we don’t forget to monitor the welfare of unaccredited trainees and prevocational doctors who will continue to staff these departments, and support them to improve so we don’t lose vital training positions. Nonetheless, this is an important step towards providing a safe and professional clinical and academic environment. All doctors have the right to train and practice in a safe workplace free from bullying and harassment. All departments failing to address inappropriate  workplace behaviours should consider themselves on notice.”

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Read AMA Position Statement on Workplace Bullying and Harassment - 2009. Revised 2015

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