Family friendly workplaces – is health falling behind
In a recent on line blog, AMA Western Australia (AMA WA) discusses the tightrope many doctors walk as they strive to juggle a demanding medical career and family commitments. The conversations usually relate to accessing parental or carer’s leave, the availability of flexible working arrangements and issues of discrimination.
This comes in the face of a recent survey that listed what big corporates were doing to support their employees. For example Price Waterhouse Coopers does not have a minimum term of employment before employees are eligible for 18 weeks' parental leave. Deloitte has a pilot program for people returning to work after parental leave, including training, mentoring and support for 20 weeks. KPMG considers mental health a core pillar. Panels have been conducted nationally where employees share their own journeys. The idea is to discuss mental health, debunk the myths and give people hope and real resources to access.