
AMACDT meets in Canberra

AMACDT welcomed a full house of state/territory doctor in training and trainee representatives to its meeting in Canberra on 29-30 October 2016. The Council approved the final draft of a National code of practice on Flexible work arrangement to assist doctors and employers to access flexible work and training arrangements and approved policy to advance equal opportunity in the workplace and training environment for the medical workforce in Australia. This will go to AMA Federal Council in November for final approval.

“Having access to flexible work opportunities is an important issue for trainees. Work experience and flexibility of hours are most highly rated by doctors in training when considering specialty choice,” said AMACDT Chair Dr John Zorbas. “The recent prevocational medical education forum in Hobart highlights this is one key strategy that contributes to the health and wellbeing of doctors in training.”

“Flexible work arrangements are also central to supporting a diverse medical workforce, well equipped to deliver and advocate for the best health outcomes for patients and the broader community. Our policy work on equal opportunity in the medical workforce complements that and it’s important that we support, champion and celebrate equal opportunity in the medical workforce.”

Look out for the release of both of these important pieces of policy early in 2017.

Read the AMA Position Statement on Flexibility in Medical Work and Training Practices - 2005. Revised 2015.

Stay engaged with AMACDT policy development on Twitter @amacdt and in future editions of e-DiT news in the upcoming months.


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