Working conditions inherently linked to improving safety and wellbeing
AMACDT welcomed a full house of state/territory doctor in training and trainee representatives to its meeting in Hobart on 30-31 July 2015. The Council approved the development of practical guidelines to assist doctors and employers to access flexible work arrangements and embarked on a busy work program to review its prevocational medical education and training, and examination and assessment policy.
“Modernising doctor training and working conditions (including hours, rosters and flexible work arrangements) is inherently linked to improving safety and wellbeing. Having access to flexible work opportunities has been identified as an important issue for trainees. Work experience and flexibility of hours are most highly rated by junior doctors when considering specialty choice,” said AMACDT Chair Dr John Zorbas.
Read the AMA Position Statement on Flexibility in Medical Work and Training Practices - 2005. Revised 2015.
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