Department of Health - Anaesthesia report
The Australia’s Future Health Workforce – Anaesthesia report (the Report) has been published on the Department’s internet site at Department of Health - Anaesthesia report. The results of this report indicate that the anaesthetics workforce is in balance, with the potential to shift into oversupply.
The public release of the Report was approved by Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, and is the second to be produced under the capacity and distribution work of the National Medical Training Advisory Network (NMTAN).
Specific recommendations outlined in the report include:
- The supply and demand projections be closely monitored by NMTAN and updated every two years.
- The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and NMTAN continue to monitor the training numbers and transition rates.
- NMTAN monitors the numbers of partially comparable IMGs obtaining fellowship and the assessment process to ensure that those who can’t complete the pathway to fellowship are deemed not comparable.
The AMA has strongly campaigned for NMTAN to lift its output of workforce reports so that doctors in training can make much more informed career choices. NMTAN has a more ambitious work program for 2016 and the AMA expects to see the release of several specialty workforce reports as this work progresses.