AMA DiT of the Year recognised for addressing bullying and sexual harassment
The AMA’s inaugural Doctor in Training of the Year Award was awarded to Dr Ruth Mitchell at the AMA Leadership Development Dinner on 27 May 2016 at The Boat House by the Lake in Canberra. Dr Danika Thiemt, outgoing Chair of the AMA Council of Doctors in Training, presented the award to Dr Mitchell, highlighting the pivotal role she has played in reducing workplace bullying and harassment in the medical profession and her outstanding contribution to leadership.
The AMA introduced the AMA Doctor in Training of the Year Award this year to recognise outstanding leadership, advocacy, and accomplishments of a doctor in training. The recipient is awarded a place at the AMA’s Future Leaders Program.
Dr Thiemt praised Dr Mitchell for her tireless pursuit of doctors’ wellbeing and high quality care, through advocacy, education and research.
Dr Mitchell is a Neurosurgery Trainee currently in her second year of her PhD at the University of Melbourne, and a Neurosurgery Registrar at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She is also Chair of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Trainee Association.
Dr Thiemt said Dr Mitchell has a reputation for going above and beyond for both her patients and colleagues and consistently demonstrates what can be achieved through determination, strong principles and, in the words of her colleagues, a little bit of chutzpah.
The AMACDT congratulates Dr Mitchell.