
AMA Fee List Update – 1 April 2016

The AMA List of Medical Services and Fees (AMA List) has been updated to amend existing items and include new items. These items are provided in the Summary of Changes for 1 April 2016, which is available from the Members Only area of the AMA website at

The AMA Fees List Online is available from  Members can view, print or download individual items or groups of items to suit their needs.  The comma delimited (CSV) ASCII format (complete AMA List) is available for free download from the Members Only area of the AMA Website (  To access this part of the website, simply login by entering your username and password located at the top right hand side of the screen and follow these steps:

  1. Once you have entered your login details, from the home page hover over Resources at the top of the page.
  2. A drop down box will appear. Under this, select Fees List.
  3. Select first option, AMA List of Medical Services and Fees – 1 April 2016.
  4. Download either or both the CSV (for importing into practice software) and Summary of Changes (for viewing) detailing new, amended or deleted items in the AMA List.

If you do not have Internet access please contact us on (02) 6270 5400 for a copy of the changes.

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