Senate inquiry into bullying and harassment announced
A Senate committee will inquire into bullying and harassment in the medical profession. The Senate Community References Committee inquiry will examine the medical complaints process in Australia, with particular reference to the prevalence of bullying and harassment in Australia’s medical profession, and any barriers, whether real or perceived, to medical practitioners reporting bullying and harassment.
This follows the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons' Expert Advisory Group report on discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment last year, a renewed focus on trainee health and wellbeing (and bullying and harassment) in the revised AMC accreditation standards for specialist medical programs and professional development programs - September 2015, and the release of the AMA’s own policy statement on Sexual harassment in the medical workplace – 2015.
The inquiry will also examine the role of the Medical Board of Australia and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency in investigating complaints and is due to report back in June. The AMA will provide input into the inquiry when submissions are called.
Senate Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry
RACS EAG report on discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment