AMACDT develops new policy on Safe work environments
The AMACDT also led the development of a new Position Statement on Safe work environments which articulates the AMAs view on the essential components of a safe work environment and the expectations on hospitals and other health care organisations to keep their employees safe and to maintain a sustainable and productive workforce.
It outlines requirements along three domains – system, physical and personal safety – and complements the existing suite of specific AMA position statements relating to safe work environments which can be found at .
“At the AMA Trainee Forum in February 2015, having access to a safe work environment was one of the top three priorities for advocacy identified by trainee committee chairs and representatives, “ said Dr Danika Thiemt, Chair AMACDT. A number of domains contribute to safe working environments:
- safe systems of work, safe equipment and facilities
- safe working hours, rostering and fatigue management
- workplace aggression and bullying
- systems and cultures that promote health and wellbeing
- access to adequate information, instruction and training.
The importance of these, and the impact of poor practice on safe work environments is well documented.
Future advocacy will include sharing best practice examples of providing for a safe work environment in state based industrial agreements.