A vision for GP training
In the wake of wide-ranging reforms to general practice training being implemented by the Federal Government, delegates at the AMA National Conference 2015 have supported a motion calling on the AMA to develop a vision statement for general practice training. The policy session on the future of GP training was chaired by GP registrar Dr Danielle McMullen, and featured presentations from three passionate GP advocates who gave their perspective on the changing GP training environment and how to build a world class high quality general practice workforce and primary care system for the future.
Professor Simon Willcock discussed the broader policy context, past, present and future, surrounding the reforms to GP training and implications for workforce planning and providing a quality training environment that is fit for purpose.
Dr Penelope Need discussed the practical issues associated with GP training in the context of access to GP services, chronic disease management, funding for general practice and attracting the best and brightest to a career in general practice.
Dr Sally Banfield provided a trainee perspective on the GP training reforms, and encouraged us to make better use of training provider and trainee experience, feedback and input to improve the next training system.
Watch the video for the GP training – the future is in our hands policy session here (https://ama.com.au/media/ama-national-conference-30-may-2015-session-3)