
AMA comments on draft RACP policy

The AMA has made two submissions to the Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP) on the college's draft policy on selection into training and capacity to train.

“The AMA congratulates the RACP in proactively looking at the issues that will affect the medical profession, and in particular the physician workforce into the future. This includes a review of college and employer responsibilities and due process relating to entry into a specialist training program, as well as examining current and future drivers of medical education and training, and the impact of impact of any changes to government policy on the training environment", said Dr Danika Thiemt, Chair, AMA Council of Doctors in Training.

At February's AMA Trainee Forum, trainee chairs and representatives identified three priorities for advocacy and further action in relation to their training. These were:

  • securing jobs for new fellows, particularly in the public sector, and addressing the maldistribution of trainees and fellows.
  • providing access to wellbeing and support services and ensuring safe working environments.
  • maintaining work-life balance and having access to flexible, part-time work arrangements.

The AMA’s response focuses on these areas and refers to the recently endorsed position on Entry requirements for vocational training (2014)

Read our submissions ( )

AMA Position Statement Entry Requirements for Vocational Training – 2014 ( )

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