Take action on unacceptable workplace behaviour
Media reports in recent days have highlighted disturbing examples of unacceptable behaviour towards female colleagues. These reports follow comments by a surgeon late last week about the advice she gives to female trainees not to resist harassment.
The AMA rejects absolutely workplace behaviour which belittles, humiliates, or harasses for any reason, including for reasons of gender. Such behaviour is unacceptable in our workplaces, and in our society.
If behaviour of this kind has been directed towards you, you are encouraged to speak up. If you are not comfortable or confident in raising it with your employer you can raise it with the AMA, or with your College. The AMA provides workplace advice and peer support programs. Systemic harassment or abuse will only be defeated by taking it on.
Details about how to contact your local State AMA for assistance and support are at https://ama.com.au/contact-ama
Alternatively you can contact the Federal AMA Workplace Policy Section on (02) 6270 5400 for advice and assistance.
AMA Position Statement on Workplace Bullying and Harassment – 2009 (https://ama.com.au/position-statement/workplace-bullying-and-harassment-2009)