
Securing jobs for new fellows a priority for trainees

The AMACDT hosted its annual trainee forum in Sydney on 21 February. The top three priorities for advocacy in 2015 as identified by trainee committee chairs and representatives attending were:

  • Securing jobs for new fellows, particularly in the public sector, and addressing the maldistribution of trainees and fellows.
  • Providing access to wellbeing and support services and safe working environments.
  • Maintaining work-life balance and having access to flexible, part-time work arrangements. 

Dr Danika Thiemt, Chair, AMA Council of Doctors in Training, said “The AMA’s annual Trainee Forum provides an opportunity for trainee representatives to discuss important medical education and training issues, as well as share concerns, experiences and ideas.  There are many examples of where AMACDT and trainee committees have worked together to progress issues of common interest and achieve meaningful results for trainees and vocational training more broadly.” 

“This process will help drive our policy and advocacy agenda for the forthcoming year,” said Dr Thiemt. 

2015 AMA Trainee Forum Summary & Outcomes

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