
Updated Superannuation and indexed Remuneration rates for GPs

The AMA welcomes the addition of updated Superannuation and indexed Remuneration rates for GPs in Training within the NTCER. These updates are reflected in the second term of 2021 for all GP trainees employed under the NTCER in this link:

The AMA oversees the negotiations between GPRA and GPSA in this matter.

The AMA notes that despite the good will of parties, GPRA and GPSA, no agreement on reform of GPiT remuneration rates has occurred since 2018. As such, the NTCER remains in place as the base terms of employment unless there is agreement to replace.

The AMA strongly believes in the utility, fairness and equality of a future Single Employer Model for General Practice trainees. (Hyperlink to

Your feedback on the utility of the NTCER or views on a single employer model are welcome by emailing


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